Introducing FAQ Assistant, optional with ChatGPT
The best solution for your Q&As, make it conversational! Transcend traditional search methods by engaging your customers in interactive conversations. Deliver an exciting and novel experience like never before.
The beauty of ChatGPT lies in its ability to deliver human-like and engaging conversations, continually improving and learning from each interaction.
Combine ChatGPT, Content upload from a PDF or Webpage, and the JTBD Structure
Ready to uncover new avenues for growth? Redirect your focus from your solutions to the individuals you cater to. While this change of perspective requires a bit of practice, a structured approach like Jobs to be Done (JTBD) can greatly assist.

JTBD, an innovative framework, allows you to understand your market from a fresh viewpoint and comprehend what people aim to achieve — independent of your product or service. It brings an organized approach to analyzing information, separating the who, what, how, why, and when/where.
We help you orchestrating the process
In comes our ChatGPT-based FAQ Bot, an application of this principle, designed to understand and serve your customers better. It answers customer queries round-the-clock, keeping their needs and convenience at the forefront. Quick to set up and easy to maintain, it’s a perfect tool to help you apply the JTBD approach effectively in your business.
Put yourself into the shoes of your Audience for best results
Get the help of a Canvas to conzeptionalize your project. Read more and download the Canvas,or get support with this framework based on the Pain Points customers face. Watch video explainer from Clayton Christensen, Harvard Business School.
Define the style, personality and the outcome as a funnel
DiALOGiFY’s Conversational Cloud let’s you be in the driving seat to make sure your new virtual employee guides your customers to the right point.